Late summer kombucha cocktail recipe

Late summer… when everyone rushes to the beach to wring those last warm rays out of this time of year… the time when things end, and things begin… just in time for Labor Day weekend and saying goodbye to your summer fling, here’s a kombucha cocktail recipe that blends . Enjoy this bittersweet cocktail.

In a pint glass, over ice, combine:

  • 3 oz kombucha – I used a sour cherry cardamom homebrew with organic oolong black tea and organic green rooibos, but you can use any kind of kombucha. I wouldn’t advise using those weird green ones, or the ones with chia in them. Ginger would be nice. Homebrew is always best!
  • 3 oz cider – I used Crispin hard cider, but you could use any kind, including nonalcoholic.
  • 1.5 oz bourbon or whiskey – I used Temptation straight bourbon. Omit for nonalcoholic version.
  • 7 shakes of bitters – I used Angostura, but any kind will work
  • approx 3 oz soda/seltzer (to top)

Use another glass or a cocktail shaker to mix and enjoy.